이 블로그 검색

2023년 4월 7일 금요일

HTTP GET vs POST: Which One is Right for Your Web Application?



In the HTTP protocol, there are two ways to send data: GET and POST.

Let's explore their differences and advantages and disadvantages.

Components of HTTP Request



Example of HTTP URI Components


Scheme Host Port  Path Query Fragment
http ://http://www.example.com/ :1030  /software ?id=test #section-4

Sending Data with GET

This method sends data by declaring parameters in the query section of the HTTP URI.

Example of GET



  • Can be cached in the URI, allowing for bookmarks, backtracking, etc.
  • Faster than POST
  • Parameter values are visible, so contents can be guessed.


  • Limited length for the URI
  • Parameter values are visible, so contents can be guessed, making it less secure.

PHP Code to Receive Data Sent with GET

$data = $_GET['a'];
echo "$data";

Sending Data with POST

This method sends data by declaring parameters in the header section of the HTTP request.

Example of POST

$name=Han is the parameter and data being sent.

POST /login HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Content-Length: 255
Cache-Control: max-age=242342
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 134423423
Origin: <http://www.example.com>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



  • No length limit
  • Parameter values are not visible, so it is more secure.


  • Cannot be cached, making it impossible to bookmark or backtrack.

PHP Code to Receive Data Sent with POST

$data = $_POST['a'];
echo "$data";

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